Monday, December 1, 2008

Robert Downey Jr. Talks About The Avengers

MTV was able to talk with Robert Downey Jr. about his thoughts on the The Avengers movie. This is what he said:

“If we don’t get it right it’s really, really going to suck. It has to be the crowning blow of Marvel’s best and brightest because it’s the hardest thing to get right. It’s tough to spin all the plates for one of these characters.”

“I think its important that I do what I’m supposed to do which is keep my side of the street clean. "The danger you run with colliding all these worlds is [director] Jon [Favreau] was very certain that Iron Man should be set in a very realistic world. Nothing that happened in Iron Man is really outside the realm of possibility. Once you start talking about Valhalla and supersized super soldiers and jolly green giants it warrants much further discussion.”

He's right. Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk has been portrayed as stories that could happen in our world. But when you add flying thunder gods (Thor) and giant humans (Ant Man), things start turning into fantasy, which might not go well for the general audience.

The Avengers plans to be released in theaters on July 15, 2011.