Monday, July 21, 2008

The Avengers Villain: The Incredible Hulk?

So over at the MTV Movie Blog, Louis Leterrier, director of The Incredible Hulk, has suggested the possibility of having the Hulk as the main antagonist in the 2011's The Avengers. It is said that in the comics, the whole reason the Avengers got together in the first place was because of the Hulk going bananas so it would fit. Leterrier said he made the last shot of Edward Norton smiling in The Incredible Hulk to be ambiguous. Is he smiling because he's in control or has he lost and and has turned evil. Well, according to Leterrier, the decision is up to us fans.

“I would listen to the fans before I listen to the box office. They are the reason why these movies successful.”

Personally, I find that it would be awesome to have the Hulk tearing apart other heroes in a huge battle but I don't think it would fit. The Hulk calms down so easily when he sees Betty Ross, and casual fans don't want to see the gentle green giant turn evil. I guess it may work if the Hulk was brainwashed to be evil by an even larger villain. Loki for example.