Thursday, June 19, 2008

Feige on the Avengers Movie

In a recent interview by IGN Movies, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige talked a lot of his thoughts on the 2011 live action Avengers movie. Feige says,

"Our instincts are definitely leading us towards some specific directions for it. It will be a challenge. But I think what we've done in the past, and particularly my experience on the X-Men films where we balanced, you know, X-Men 2 had half a dozen villains and more than a half a dozen heroes. And Avengers won't have that many characters in it,"

"I think that it's safe to assume that the world will be populated by characters that the fans of the comics will recognize beyond the solo movies that have come out, but at the same time I want to be very, very cautious of overdoing it and very, very careful not to just cram in. I don't want it to be a movie where every five minutes a character walks by and people smile at the cameo. I really want it to be an ensemble adventure that stands on its own."

So there will be more characters than the ones with their own feature movie. Like Ant-Man, and Wasp. I wouldn't want to watch 2 hours of the origin of the Wasp but I wouldn't mind having her appear in the Avengers. Good choice by Marvel.

[IGN Movies]